Databases - Lunds universitet


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Malmö University has five research centres, which between them span fields in life sciences, humanities, health and technology. Research  Lund University Libraries subscribes to these databases on Web of Science: Web of Science Core Collection: Citation Indexes. Science Citation Index  Web of Science Core Collection: Citation Indexes available to Lund University. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) --1900-present; Social  Du kan nå alla artiklar som Lunds universitet har tillång till via i fulltext/PDF, webb, bloggar, TV och radio); Scopus · Web of science (Science  Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, provides Education and research in the area of health. Lund University students and employees only, login with student In comparison to Web of Science, Scopus has a bigger scope (aprox. 18,000 12,000 titles), but Web of Science is more complete when it comes to citations prior to 1996.

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Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University Box 118, SE-221 00 LUND Telefon: +46 46-222 00 00 About the website | TYPO3-login Department of Political Science, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. 3.7K likes. Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Lunds universitet | The Department of After completing the Master of Science Programme in Global Studies, you will acquire a degree of Master of Science in Global Studies (120 credits), with a major in one of the following disciplines: Gender Studies, Development Studies, Human Geography, Political Science, Social Work, Social Anthropology, Sociology, or Sociology of Law. Publicerad 10 januari 2017 Humanistiska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet har utsett sina hedersdoktorer för år 2017. Vid doktorspromotionen i Lund den 2 juni kommer två professorer, en svensk journalist och en svensk skådespelare mottaga… Web of Science-avtalet omfattar följande index: Arts & Humanities Citation index Emerging Sources Citation Index Conference Proceedings Citation Index - EERQI and Web of Science: Internal Report. / Åström, Fredrik.

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32,232 likes · 100 talking about this. Lunds universitets officiella Facebook-sida är en bred kanal för dig som vill följa vad som händer på universitetet. 2021-03-30 · Ett 40-tal basala ord med samma språkljud återkommer i de flesta av jordens språk.

Lunds universitet web of science

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Lunds universitet web of science

EBSCO is making more and more resources freely available  Web of Science är en bred tvärvetenskaplig databas med peer-reviewartiklar och konferenspublikationer som innehåller citeringar. Scopus är  Tidskrifter Lunds universitets bibliotek. Tidskrifter på Sök publikationer av forskare och studenter vid Lunds Universitet Web of Science. Sök bland Lunds universitets biblioteksresurser för att hitta artiklar, tidskrifter, bokkapitel, LUBcat är Lunds universitets bibliotekskatalog. Web of Science Employees and students at Lund University can use EndNote Web through Web of Science.

Lunds universitet web of science

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Lunds universitet web of science

About the website | TYPO3-login Department of Political Science, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. 3.7K likes. Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Lunds universitet | The Department of Lunds universitet tar vara på möjligheterna som MAX IV och ESS ger att stärka hela universitetets utbildning, forskning och samhällskontakter för framtiden.

3.7K likes. Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Lunds universitet | The Department of After completing the Master of Science Programme in Global Studies, you will acquire a degree of Master of Science in Global Studies (120 credits), with a major in one of the following disciplines: Gender Studies, Development Studies, Human Geography, Political Science, Social Work, Social Anthropology, Sociology, or Sociology of Law. Publicerad 10 januari 2017 Humanistiska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet har utsett sina hedersdoktorer för år 2017. Vid doktorspromotionen i Lund den 2 juni kommer två professorer, en svensk journalist och en svensk skådespelare mottaga… Web of Science-avtalet omfattar följande index: Arts & Humanities Citation index Emerging Sources Citation Index Conference Proceedings Citation Index - EERQI and Web of Science: Internal Report.
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Databases for you affiliated with Lund University, in alphabetical order Subject guides Social Sciences Faculty Library University Library Other links LUBintra Staff pages Accessibility statement Libraries at Lund University. Box 3, 221 00 LUND Exchange studies at one of Lund University's partner universities Submenu for Exchange studies at one of Lund University' Web calendar for students Humanities & Theology Faculty of Law Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Science Faculty of Social Sciences School of Economics & … If your university does not have an agreement with Lund University, see other study opportunities that may be available to you How to be nominated for an exchange to Lund University You apply for an exchange at your home university, either through your central International Office or through an international coordinator at your department or faculty. CIRCLE, Lund University Box 118, 221 00 LUND, Sweden Tel: +46 46 222 3942 E-mail:

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You will find our subject-specific databases via Databases A–Z. Through ePublications you get a collective entry Discovery; ePublications; Databases A-Z; My Loans; Tutorial: LUBsearch and Electronic Resources; Tutorial: eBooks @ Lund University Libraries Lund University Macroeconomic and Demographic Database : Modular Finance: Holdings: Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (MBS) Online: National Bureau of Economic Research Working Papers NBER W.P: New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online, 2nd edition: OECD iLibrary (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Orbis GISN09, Web GIS GISN11, GIS and Biodiversity GISN14, GIS and Physical Planning GISN15 Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science. Lund University Sölvegatan 12 S-223 62 Lund Sweden. Faculty of Science | Lund University. Shortcuts. Contact us Processing of personal data Sök forskning och forskare vid Lunds universitet Starka forskningsmiljöer Särskilda forskningssatsningar Utbildning på forskarnivå Samverkan VD, Ideon Science Park, samarbetspartner Anlita våra studenter Donera till universitetet Undermeny för Donera till universitetet.