Icemaker Isotherm 230V Vit



Manufacturer & distributor of ice cubes. Undercounter Ice Makers. Have plenty of everyone’s favorite nugget ice or gourmet clear ice on hand for your next soirée with your space-saving undercounter ice maker. Our ice machines are available with Café panel and handle kits or choose your own custom cabinet panel. Shop for 220-240 Volts, 50-60 Hz Ice Makers. Also, find great deals on all electronics and appliances for World-Wide use outside the USA. Keeping the ice flowing and glasses chilled is the base for every great gathering.

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Leading ice track makers in the world, Icemakers is the pioneer company of the vehicle testing industry in Swedish Lapland.

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Icemakers Facilities AB, own land and fixed assets such as buildings, inventories and test tracks. The FM series produce flake/nugget ice, with the nugget ice compressed during production to make it long-lasting.
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Professionella produkter för att garantera maximal användarvänlighet. Hitta information om Icemakers AB. Adress: Maskinvägen 11, Postnummer: 938 32. Telefon: 0961-329 .. Ledande isbanan i världen, IceMakers var pionjärer på fordonstestning industrin i svenska Lappland och fungerar som en fullservice vintertestande leverantör till våra kunder.

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DA97-11092A: Samsung Ice Maker

Solid ice cube Ice-maker series with vertical evaporator, characterized by an innovative and linear design, great reliability and simplicity of use. Thanks to its är marinbranschens modernaste inköpsportal. Kök & Kyla / Kyl & Frys / Övrigt / Ismaskin / Isotherm Ice Maker 230V.

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Ice Makers AB, ARJEPLOG Företaget

Placera ismaskinen där det inte förekommer direkt solljus  En premium 230V ismaskin som gör "Clear Ice" – samma is vi får på barer och restauranger.