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Skillnader mellan Oracle JDK och OpenJDK

So, to me, the Classpath Exception is a much different than LGPL. It is a legally clean way to draw a bright line allowing non-GPL use of GPL or LGPL source code or libraries. Full name. GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception. Short identifier.

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GPLv2 with classpath exception. Hi Denys, Guillaume, It occurred to me that you might not be aware of the details of the. classpath exception clause of the OpenJDK and that both scala-native and. scalajs may be doing a lot of unnecessary work in a perceived attempt to.

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It is important to note that GPL v2 with Classpath exception is not intended to replace the current CDDL license. NetBeans source code will be dual licensed and developers will be able to choose the licensing terms that better suit their needs. More detailed information about the GPL v2 with Classpath exception can be If the file B.java uses the A.java from your development environment and that can not be switched to another version of A at runtime, then the Classpath Exception to the GPL license can never trigger. As a result, software C, which contains B.java, must comply with the GPL terms and be released itself under a GPL-compatible open-source license.

Gplv2 with classpath exception

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Gplv2 with classpath exception

What are the possibilities to not break the license requirements regarding the classpath exception? Classpath 例外. GNU Classpath プロジェクトは、 GPLリンク例外 の一例であり、以下のようなライセンスを採用している (非公式訳) 。. ClasspathはGNU一般公衆ライセンスに以下の確認事項と特別な例外を加えた条項の元で配布される。.

Gplv2 with classpath exception

The Proposal > My proposal here would be that Apache NetBeans would: > -be allowed to include the nb-javac (GPLv2 with Classpath Exception) together with its convenience binaries.
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Gplv2 with classpath exception

Jan 2, 2017 in which the APIs at issue in this case, if we regard them as copyrightable, are licensed under GPLv2 along with the Classpath Exception. To address this issue, the Free Software Foundation created the Classpath exception; when a Java library is licensed under the GPLv2 with the Classpath  GPLv2[redigera | redigera wikitext].

そのため、GNU 2011-08-04 · In addition to GPLv2, OpenJDK comes with further permission (called the "Classpath exception") to link with other software. This further permission applies to OpenJDK with the exception of some libraries that are part of the JavaME specification and which are aimed at mobile phones.
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TI-Smartview™ Emulatorprogramvara för MathPrint™-räknare

Aug 13, 2019. The presenters for iOS as well as Android are (even more) free now!Since version 1.6 we are changing the license of the presenters to GPLv2 with Classpath Exception - e.g.

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Skillnader mellan Oracle JDK och OpenJDK

This further  GPLv2[redigera | redigera wikitext]. Andra versionen släpptes i juni 1991. Bland annat Linux är licenserad under denna version. egna Community Development and Distribution License (CDDL) utan GPLv2. är möjligt med ett tillägg för GPL som går under namnet classpath exception.