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Its principal place of business is at 1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York. Early career and Marschalk years He began his advertising career in 1950 as a junior art director at N. W. Ayer & Son in Philadelphia. After working as an art director for J. Walter Thompson in London and Foote, Cone & Belding in New York, he became creative director of the Marschalk Company in 1959. Metzdorf was the founder of Houston-based Metzdorf Advertising, an agency that had 85 employees and more than $25 million in billings when it was sold in 1983 to IPG’s Marschalk Co. in New York.

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1984-08-15 · ADVERTISING; Marschalk CampbellNames a Chairman. By Pamela G. Hollie.

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Here is an advertising definition including examples of common ways that businesses advertise. Susan Ward Advertising is the attempt to influence the buying behavior of customers or clients with a persuasive selling mes Create your free account Already have an account? Login By creating an account, you agree to theTerms of Service and acknowledge our Privacy Policy. Log in to your account Don't have a Benzinga account? Create one Piper Jaffray is out with Healio is published by Healio Strategic Solutions. For information regarding advertising, site metrics and other marketing options with Healio contact: Zach Gursky Vice President, Digital Innovation & Programmatic Sales 415-290-8581 zgursky Advertising refers to the marketing communication that businesses use to persuade, encourage or manipulate audiences to get them to take some sort of actio Advertising refers to the marketing communication that businesses use to persuade, e Drive More Visits to Your Site—And Grow Your Revenue Trying to attract quality traveler traffic is more challenging than ever.
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By Sandra Salmans. June 13, 1983; James Johnson, 44-year old executive vice president of the Marschalk Company, has been appointed to the new The Marschalk Company has been named agency for You panties, a new product introduced a year ago by Formfit Rogers, specialist in undergarments that is owned by Grupo Pliana of Mexico City. But it wasn’t until 1980 and a special television commercial that the brand really gained notoriety.

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