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Publisher: Magnus Wikhog. 27 jan. 2021 — 27.1.2021 10:00:01 CET | Play Magnus AS | Non-regulatory press chess services founded by World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen, CoChess, the Play Magnus App Suite, and the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour. SAS ingår samarbete med schackspelaren Magnus Carlsen från hela världen är kvalificerade efter att ha spelat mot Magnus Carlsen i appen Play Magnus. 24 sep. 2020 — Det norska schackgeniet Magnus Carlsens appbolag Play Magnus har ansökt om en börsnotering på Oslobörsens motsvarighet till First North i  30 maj 2020 — @MagnusCarlsen.

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Discover their stories while you challenge them at different ages. “Whether you are an aspiring chess World Champion or just an amateur player, you’ve probably dreamt of beating reigning Chess king Magnus Carlsen… Now’s your chance.” “Unlike most impersonal computer programs, this app puts a face on the competition.” "Whether you are an aspiring chess World Champion or just an amateur player, you've probably dreamt of beating reigning Chess king Magnus Carlsen Now's your chance. Now's your chance. " Unlike most impersonal computer programs, this app puts a face on the competition.

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“Whether you are an aspiring chess World Champion or just an amateur player, you’ve probably dreamt of beating reigning Chess king Magnus Carlsen… Now’s your chance.” “Unlike most impersonal computer programs, this app puts a face on the competition.” "Whether you are an aspiring chess World Champion or just an amateur player, you've probably dreamt of beating reigning Chess king Magnus Carlsen Now's your chance. Now's your chance.

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He hangs out with actress Liv Tyler. He’s done professional modeling and ads. A new documentary film, “Magnus,” shares the story of the 25-year-old often described as “the Mozart of chess.” Hi, I'm Magnus Carlsen, the World Champion and I am here to help you improve your chess skills. Please tell me a bit about your goals, and I'll give you a few lesson recommendations. Sure, let's go.

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Today Carlsen’s net worth is higher than any other chess master not just because of his prize winnings, but because of his many sponsorship deals as well. Magnus Carlsen.
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Play against Magnus at any age from 5 years and up! REACH FURTHER WITH A MEMBERSHIP The app is free to use, with added benefits for paying members. ‎Magnus' Kingdom of Chess är ett roligt sätt för barn från 5 års ålder att lära sig schack och lära sig att frigöra sitt kognitiva potential. Det här banbrytande spelet är resultatet av ett samarbete mellan världsmästaren Magnus Carlsen och hans team med schackexperter på Play Magnus och DragonBox,… Play Magnus. In October 2013, Carlsen co-founded a company, Play Magnus AS, with Espen Agdestein and Anders Brandt.

Discover their stories while you challenge them at different ages. “Whether you are an aspiring chess World Champion or just an amateur player, you’ve probably dreamt of beating reigning Chess king Magnus Carlsen… Now’s your chance.” “Unlike most impersonal computer programs, this app puts a face on the competition.” "Whether you are an aspiring chess World Champion or just an amateur player, you've probably dreamt of beating reigning Chess king Magnus Carlsen Now's your chance.
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2021 — Slog Garry Kasparovs Magnus Carlsen världsmästare världens bästa Denna app är ett schackspel online med ett matchande system baserat  Den efterblivna mannen han syftade på är Magnus Carlsen, ett magnus underbarn i schack som Dagens app: Schack mot norska världsmästaren - PC för Alla. App Store Preview. This app is available only in the App Store Spela Magnus använder en schackmotor modellerad av Magnus Carlsen själv.