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Resursteam i barntandvård - rjl.se PowerPoint Presentation

It illustrates the "caries risk" and possible interactions between caries related The Cariogram is a graphical picture illustrating in an interactive way the patient's risk for developing new dental caries in the future. The cariogram evaluates a large set of data - based on both science and art! In a way it can be compared to the weather forecast. Cariogram is an educational program developed for better understanding of the multifactorial disease dental caries. It illustrates the “caries risk” and possible.

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This educational interactive program has been developed for better understanding of the multifactorial aspects of dental caries and to act as a guide in the attempts to estimate the caries risk. Cariogram score 0: No caries, no fillings 1: Better than normal for the age group 2: Normal for the age group 3:Worse than normal for the age group 0: Healthy 1: Presence of a general disease that can indirectly influence the caries process 2: Continuous medication or bedridden 0: Very low fermentable carbohydrate 1: Low fermentable carbohydrate 2: High fermentable carbohydrate 3: Very high Cariogram It is a model which illustrates the. interactions between bacteria, diet and host response. The process of making the evaluation (one year) is called Cariography. Caries risk, will there be demineralization or new cavity will occur, based on Cariogram model. Low%, 5% indicates high risk for caries.

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interactions between bacteria, diet and host response. The process of making the evaluation (one year) is called Cariography.

Cariogram ppt

Resursteam i barntandvård

Cariogram ppt

Download Dentistry PowerPoint templates (ppt) and Google Slides themes to create awesome presentations. Free + Easy to edit + Professional + Lots backgrounds. Cariogram is an educational program developed for better understanding of the multifactorial disease dental caries. It illustrates the “caries risk” and possible.

Cariogram ppt

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Cariogram ppt

. 3.

The Swedish version of the Cariogram was first launched officially in November 1997 after extensive trials. It has since then been translated into several languages to be used in different countries. CARIES RISK ASSESSMENT, CARIOGRAM ,CARIES VACCINE.ppt.pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. excellent Cbabdental Caries 4-Caries Diagnosis and Risk Assessment - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.
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2. What is diagnosis?

  • Diagnosis is an art and science that results from the synthesis of scientific knowledge, clinical experience, intuition & common sense
  • Caries diagnosis implies deciding whether a lesion is active, progressing rapidly or slowly or whether is already arrested.