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2018-05-14 Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) is a gaseous compound made of three elements, carbon, chlorine and fluorine (and sometimes hydrogen). Manufacturers have used this compound to make cleaning solvents, refrigerants, and aerosol propellants, in some cases, even plastic foams. CFCs were developed as ideal gases used as refrigerants for refrigerators. Because of their special characteristics, inflammability and non-toxicity to human beings, CFCs were massively produced and consumed, particularly in developed countries, after the 1960's. This CFC bank is also equivalent to about 9 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide in terms of its effect on climate change.
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), any of several organic compounds composed of carbon, fluorine, and chlorine. When CFCs also contain hydrogen in place of one or more chlorines, they are called hydrochlorofluorocarbons, or HCFCs. CFCs are also called Freons, a trademark of the E.I. du Pont de Nemours & By Tommy Doc Chlorofluorocarbons, also known as CFCs, consist of chemical compounds made up of chlorine, fluorine and carbon. CFCs are particularly harmful when released into the atmosphere because of their destructive reaction with O-zone particles, which provide the Earth with a protective layer against UV radiation.
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CFC-11. CF2Cl2. CFC-12. C2F3Cl3.
Anvisningar för tillsynsmyndigheter gällande - Ymparisto.fi
CFC-114 CFC-115, CF3CClF2, 1700, 4900, 7200, 9900. CFCs were replaced by fluorinated gases containing either less chlorine (hydrofluoro-chlorocarbons, or HCFCs), which are much less damaging (about 90% less) The emission of HFCs has increased since 1990, and that is mainly because HFCs were introduced as substitutes for ozone depleting substances (CFCs and 9 aug. 2013 — Vid de förhållanden som råder i jordens atmosfär är ozon en gas. Detta har skett genom utsläpp av främst kloroflourokarboner (CFC och 5 maj 2017 — För CFC är all yrkesmässig användning förbjuden sedan 31 december 1999.
This gas was colorless, odorless, nonflammable and non-toxic, and soon became the predominant gas used as a refrigerant. According to a study published today in Nature, emissions from eastern China of the chlorofluorocarbon CFC-11 have been increasing by 7,000 tonnes a year since 2013. The findings are based on air monitoring stations in South Korea and Japan, which were able to pick up tell-tale plumes of the gas as they wafted across the sea from China. Qué son los gases CFC que destruyen la capa de ozono y que en su mayoría provienen de China Estable y versátil. El CFC-11 es parte de una familia de gases llamados CFC, que es la abreviatura de clorofluorocarbono.
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Köldmedier - Miljöförbundet Blekinge Väst
The. Kigali amendment, which entered into force in 16 Sep 2015 How do natural gases and chemical substances, including nitrogen and chlorine, cause the depletion of the ozone layer? Here's everything 20 Nov 2012 eliminate the influence of interference gases such as alcohol, resulting in highly selective response to CFCs. This feature makes the sensor A man made gas Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). - World report - Our Actions - Tunza Eco Generation.
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F-gas förordningen 2020, vad gäller! - Svenska Kyltekniska
F-gas enl. EU. 517/2014. Perfluorkarboner och fluorkolväten. Detector gas leak detector Freon gas CFC Halogen Gas Leak Detector Air Conditioning R134a. Pris 197 US$. Pris 46 US$. Ej i lager.