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PMS U: 403. CMYK: 18-22-26-49. RGB: 146-139-129. PMS Process cyan U. RGB 0/179/246.
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1,200yen + tax PANTONE Computer Video simulations displayed may not exactly match PANTONE®-identified color standards. Use current PANTONE Color PMS 146: PMS 147: PMS 148: PMS 149: PMS 150: PMS 151: PMS 152: PMS 153: PMS PANTONE ® Uncoated (U) Range Colour Chart Pantone LLC in New Jersey have requested that remove the colour chart of the Pantone Coated and Pantone Uncoated colours and any colour lists referring to Pantone reference numbers as they claim possible copyright infringement! . Stationeryの商品一覧です。 Pencils - 7 PCS TIN BOX. 1,000yen + tax PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials. PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and pantone 146 cs r:143 g:99 b:28 pantone 147 cs r:105 g:89 b:48 pantone 148 cs r:240 g:204 b:148 pantone 149 cs r:237 g:194 b:130 pantone 150 cs r:237 g:166 b:89 pantone 151 cs r:227 g:120 b:8 pantone 152 cs r:199 g:112 b:20 pantone 153 cs r:166 g:102 b:31 pantone 154 cs r:133 g:84 b:33 pantone 1485 cs r:240 g:176 b:115 PANTONE har introducerat en ny förenad processfärgsguide för de olika tryckförhållandena i Euro och U.S. Uppdelad i två fyrfärgsguider, som visar totalt 2 868 färger på både bestruket och obestruket papper.
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Lime Green. 3630-136. Pantone colors on computer screens may vary based on the graphics card and PMS 146. PMS 147.
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var Fragment = REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE;. 147. var Lazy LiU – med versalt L, gement i och versalt U, enligt Pantone.
Pantone / PMS P 132-16 U / #34544c Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #34544c is a medium dark shade of green-cyan.
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U i färgkoden står för uncoated (obestruket papper). C i färgkoden RGB: 166, 155, 146.
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