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Now go to the folder containing registry script file which you created, right-click on the .REG file and select Edit option. It’ll open the registry script file … 2016-07-01 2018-07-15 Solution : https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1473017 (SAP Service marketplace login required) Key words : sec_info, reg_info, reginfo, secinfo, transaction SMGW, security, registration, start external programs between uppercase. Related Notes : FN_REG_INFO is a SAP Parameter attribute which is used to control File name for security file (registered server) information. This is available within R/3 SAP systems depending on the version and release level. Below is the standard documentation available and a few details of the attributes values . FN_REG_INFO profile paramerter attributes Enter transaction ME11 in command prompt. Key for creating the info record is Vendor/Material … reg_info sec_info.
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Parameter Description. This parameter can be used to protect external programs against being registered. Unauthorized registration of programs can be prevented by maintaining the file reginfo in the data directory of the gateway instance. Note 1425765 - Generating sec_info reg_info. Component : Gateway/CPIC - Security. Solution : https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1425765 (SAP Service marketplace login required) Key words : reg_info, reginfo, sec_info, secinfo, display, gw/reg_no_conn_info.
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REG_DIRECTION is a standard field within SAP Table j_1bpis_c_cfop that stores Register NF Reported information. This indicates in which register of the Electronic Fiscal File Contributions (Brazil) report the notas fiscais will be reported.
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Copying 2018-05-15 Reg sap-script HI, how can we put the blanklines in sap-script & if i want to start my text element from 15 row how can we program.Hai, Create a Paragraph format so that SPACE BEFORE = 15 lines. Then At the very Beginning,In one line write: P1 At the S User Menu for Infotype 0105 In SAP-HR – T-code PA30. Click Next search result button to view more communication types.
2016-07-01 · I need to re-read SEC_INFO AND REG_INFO files in AS JAVA ONLY without Server restart. Is there any process to do this just like in AS ABAP.
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To do so, you have to create two files named secinfo and reginfo. Both files don’t exist per default. gw/reg_info.
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See SAP Note 2293050 – SUM: Generating a System Information XML File for use with SAP Maintenance Planner You can send a .reg file to users in an e-mail message, put a .reg file on a network share and direct users to the network share to run it, or you can add a command to the users' logon scripts to automatically import the .reg file when they log on. When users run the .reg file, they receive the following messages: Registry Editor 2019-06-27 · This is where SAP-certified third party applications such as Compleo Suite can come in handy.