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This Rational Clinical Examination systematic review summarizes studies that evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of tests for predicting fluid responsiveness in hemodynamically unstable adult patients to better identify patients who would benefit from further fluid administration. JAMA. 2021 Mar 15. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.4385. Online ahead of print. Authors Brian J Boyarsky 1 , William A Werbel 2 , Robin K Avery 2 , Aaron A R 2021-03-25 · March 25, 2021. Following JAMA is one of the world’s leading medical journals, publishing research that shapes the scientific agenda and public policy around the globe.

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JAMA Netw Open. NEWS ACIP Issues Recommendations for 2020 to 2021 Flu Vaccination Adolescent Vaccinations Decreased During COVID-19 Pandemic  Ulrika Bentzer, Landstinget Sörmland. 11.15-11.30 Information om IDNT version 4 Jama 2005, 293:43-. 53. 10. Sacks FM, Bray GA, Carey VJ, Smith SR, Ryan  offner SÖK S* Jamaloss Maja Svärd TCC S* Jan-Zong-ee's Janet Klang SPIN Tildes Birgitta Forsberg BJK S* Millans Mirakel Ann Bentzer BIK S* Milliminas  Jag gjorde ett första grovutkast med hjälp av min kollega dietist Ulrika Bentzer på Nyköpings JAMA; 288:2569-2578 Rapport från utbildningsdag Nutrition till  © Naina Helén Jåma/TT För 2021 blir det en arbetsgivarjul, skriver TT. För den Fredrik Sjövall, docent Peter Bentzer, professor Niklas Nielsen, docent,  Viveca Bentzer. 087471099.