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Then to make things easier, shortly after the Rapture, one-fourth of the world's population will be decimated due to wars, famine and plague. This site is related to end times events, bible prophecy, prophetic times, Jesus Christ, Second Coming of Christ, Rapture, Tribulation Period, antichrist, One World Government, New World Order, World War 3, Mark of the Beast, Israel, Salvation.

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84,050 likes · 1,355 talking about this. This page is dedicated to the church (a.k.a the bride) that is going to meet the Lord in the air. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 News; Live Radio; Rapture Ready; Sign in; Register HOW TO BE "RAPTURE READY" | JESUS IS COMING BACK! by 1Cor15.50-53 11 months ago.
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Talking about the Rapture can stir up debate even for those of us that are Bible believers. The arguments for when the rapture will occur is most common. There is an increase in current events that have been predicted thousands of years ago in the Bible.

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In my novel, the obsession with rapture children reaches a hysterical pitch in some readers need me to warn them about all these perils, which are in the news every day. RadioStorm hjälper dig att lyssna på Sveriges Radios rika programutbud. Du kan enkelt lyssna på direktsänd radio eller inspelade program  På klubbisdan märks Ouch! som slagit ihop sina påsar med klubb Créme Fraîche för en kväll med svettig basmusik och trion Rapture Ready på  Rapture and Revelation: An Engaging and Timely Challenge for Christians: Baber, Lynn: Books.