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The side effects include tissue necrosis, fluid build-up, lumps showing up in the breast. The DIEP flap is the most common tissue flap procedure performed at the Friedman Center due to its natural-looking results. In the DIEP procedure, a flap of tissue containing fat and skin is removed from the lower abdomen and used to form a new breast. What to Expect After DIEP SurgeryPhysical & Occupational Therapy Patient Education Video, University of Washington Medical Center DIEP is an acronym for Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator, the system of lower abdominal wall blood vessels that are used to perfuse the tissue for the newly reconstructed breast.
The muscles of the abdomen remain intact. A DIEP flap is a breast reconstruction procedure that uses your own abdominal fat, along with its blood supply, to create a breast. Unlike a TRAM flap, a DIEP flap does not require the use of any muscle to rebuild the breast. DIEP flap surgery is the gold standard in breast reconstruction, and for good reason. The benefits of this highly sought-after procedure include: The DIEP flap procedure uses only natural tissue from your own body.
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The procedure is designed to have fewer side effects and more 2017-10-24 2019-03-07 2019-08-01 2018-07-12 Autumn Rivers Date: February 15, 2021 Doctor taking notes . A DIEP flap procedure is a type of breast reconstruction that uses tissue from the stomach to create new breasts.
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Generally speaking, you may be a candidate for DIEP flap if you: Have excess tissue in your lower abdominals. DIEP flap surgery is a major procedure that’s performed under general anaesthetic and takes anywhere between 3 – 9 hours depending on whether it is being carried out with a mastectomy or if one or both breasts are being reconstructed. Stephen McCulley usually takes 3-4 hours to perform this surgery. The acronym DIEP stands for deep inferior epigastric perforators, which describes an area of the abdomen from which a flap of skin is taken to perform the DIEP procedure. The DIEP procedure is a plastic surgery procedure that entails reconstructing a breast following a mastectomy. A mastectomy is the complete removal of one or both breasts. The DIEP flap procedure is a revolutionary way to perform breast reconstruction for recovering cancer patients.
The flap is then transferred to the chest where the surgeon, aided by a microscope, will attach the donor
The DIEP Flap Procedure. If you had a tissue expander placed during your mastectomy, it will be removed at the time of your breast reconstruction surgery. During the DIEP flap procedure, a flap of tissue is removed from your abdomen and relocated to your chest by reconnecting the veins and arteries. Bilateral Delayed DIEP Flap - Before and After Images. Before Surgery/After Surgery. Before Surgery/After Surgery. Before Surgery/After Surgery.
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Se hela listan på The DIEP procedure uses an incision made along the bikini line, similar to what is used for a tummy tuck. The excess skin and fat are removed with small blood vessels connected to it. These vessels are then connected under a microscope to vessels in the chest at the mastectomy site so that the tissue survives If you are having problems with your breast reconstruction using implants and are interested in using autologous tissue such as a DIEP flap most insurance companies will approve this procedure. Your next step is to go to a plastic surgeon experienced with the procedure and have an examination and consultation. The DIEP flap procedure is highly advanced and requires a meticulous eye and attention to detail.
De DIEP-methode is een doorontwikkeling van de TRAM-methode.
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Perforator Flaps for Breast Reconstruction: Levine, Joshua L
Some major public hospitals and selected private hospitals with the required micro-surgical equipment are able to offer this option. Breast reconstruction by DIEP flap is a fairly heavy surgical procedure, which implies the risks associated with any such procedure. However, the postoperative consequences are generally quite simple.
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Alternatively, your surgeon may choose the DIEP flap or SIEA flap techniques, which do not use abdominal muscle but transfer only skin and fat to the chest from the abdomen. 2019-07-23 DIEP flap procedure is similar to the traditional TRAM (transverse rectus abdominus muscle) flap procedure. The TRAM procedure is preferable in some cases, but for other patients, there are unique advantages to choosing the DIEP procedure. Both procedures harvest abdominal tissue, thereby giving the patient the benefit of a slimmer appearance. 2018-01-08 DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction.