Global Health-Related Master's Programs in Northern Europe

Network of 10 European and 14 global partner universities. Joint Master's Degree in International Humanitarian Action. International Humanitarian Action (two-year international joint Master's programme run in association with the Network on Humanitarian Action) Religion in Peace and Conflict (distance learning) Cultural Anthropology. Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Peace and Conflict Studies. Political Science.

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The Gender-Sensitive Approach and Humanitarian Programmes; Environmental issues The Master Programme in International Humanitarian Action is multidisciplinary and given in cooperation with several universities in Europe and the world. The programme provides a high-quality academic education and professional competences for a career in humanitarian action, emergency and disaster relief, and development at both national and international levels. Our international development courses provide an excellent grounding for careers in international development, humanitarian action, and working for social, economic and environmental justice in both global North and global South. They provide the core skills required in a range of policy, communication, advocacy, research and programmatic roles. The MSc in Humanitarian Action provides high quality academic education and professional competencies for those working or intending to work in the area of humanitarian action and related areas.

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It is a unique, multilingual, interdisciplinary and inter-university program, with a one-of-a-kind combination of hands-on practice and theory. The Master Programme in International Humanitarian Action is multidisciplinary and given in cooperation with several universities in Europe and the world. The programme provides a high-quality academic education and professional competences for a career in humanitarian action, emergency and disaster relief, and development at both national and international levels. NOHA Joint Master's Degree in International Humanitarian Action.

Master programme in international humanitarian action

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Master programme in international humanitarian action

It is part of the inter-university multidisciplinary graduate joint masters programme in International Humanitarian Action (NOHA Masters). The Master Programme in Humanitarian Action (HA) provides students with a broad education and training in the area of international humanitarian action, in which both critical thinking and research skills are emphasised. NOHA Deusto - Master in International Humanitarian Action, Bilbao. 1,103 likes · 2 talking about this · 3 were here. Master in International Humanitarian Action (NOHA) - University of Deusto, Bilbao, This Master programme is a unique blended learning postgraduate course on humanitarian action providing current and future humanitarian professionals with the managerial, theoretical and practical skills needed to optimize responses to humanitarian crises.

Master programme in international humanitarian action

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Master programme in international humanitarian action

The Humanitarian Health Master's program focuses on both local and global issues, and prepares  The Master in International Affairs is an intensive two-year programme offering an interdisciplinary approach to the study of global governance. The programme  Learn how international law regulates armed conflicts, protects individuals in wartime, and from LouvainX and learn about other offerings related to International Humanitarian Law. This course is part of a MicroMasters ® Program Learn the principles guiding humanitarian response to modern emergencies, and the challenges faced in the field today. 4 Nov 2020 Students in the program complete a series of core classes that include: research and compose a master's thesis dissertation based on their work.

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Masterprogram i international humanitarian action, Uppsala

Senare revision av  Master's degree (120 ECTS), International Humanitarian Action (NOHA - Network on Humanitarian Action) - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme. The respective parts reflect the five core modules of the International NOHA Joint Master's Programme "International Humanitarian Action": a) World Politics,  Detta gemensamma europeiska masterprogram organiseras genom Network on Humanitarian Action (NOHA), och studier utomlands ingår i utbildningen. The Master's in Public Health program provides an interdisciplinary perspective for Uppsala University – Master's in International Humanitarian Action. Masterprogram i international humanitarian action.

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The Master's Programme in International Humanitarian Action is a multidisciplinary and international programme given in association with different universities in Europe and the rest of the world.