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[Nash v. United States, 405 F.2d 1047, 1049 (8th Cir. 1969)]. Till tapping is a scheme whereby a person distracts Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. / tæp / -pp-.
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When her father tipped his hat to me, I knew that he had come to accept me as part of the family. 2. Hand Tapping. Hand taps come in three basic configurations -Taper, Plug and Bottoming. TAPER taps have the first 7 – 10 threads at the tip ground flatter than the main body of the tap to enable easy starting of the threads in the hole.
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to read through all of them and have very much been tapping into these things. Tips for organizing with Post-it\u00AE Notes.
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To strike gently with a light blow or blows: I tapped you on the shoulder to get your attention.
Om du ska Prior to using the syringe, twist off grey tip cap and discard. Innan sprutan
Artikeln anses därför vara en stång enligt denna definition. Artikeln är A self-drilling screw with a bifurcated point, made of stainless steel with a carbon steel tip. (See the It is to be classified as a self-tapping screw of subheading 7318 14.
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V P tip up phrasal verb If you tip something up or if it tips up, it moves into a sloping position with one end or side higher than the other. We had to tip up the bed and the model was in grave danger of falling off it! Sleet had turned to snow, tip-tapping on the glass panes.
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And behind it were five, six, eight of the same animal appearing out of the sea and hesitantly, swaying and tip-tapping, they made their way to where. The War with the Newts V P tip up phrasal verb If you tip something up or if it tips up, it moves into a sloping position with one end or side higher than the other. We had to tip up the bed and the model was in … Many translated example sentences containing "tip tapping" – Dutch-English dictionary and search engine for Dutch translations. Tip tapping I was tip tapping In the dark Tip tapping I was tip tapping In the park The sound of the leaves When my feet hit the ground The sound of the leaves When my feet bounce around In the dark, in the park 2014-10-29 2017-11-12 2. A piece or an attachment, such as a cap or ferrule, meant to be fitted to the end of something else: the barbed tip of a harpoon.