Recension: Kon-Tiki – Blu-ray-recension - Ljud & Bild


The Adventurer - Thor Heyerdahl and The Kontiki - Bullhorn

huhtikuuta 2002 Colla Micheri, Italia) oli norjalainen etnografi, joka tuli tunnetuksi Kon-Tiki-retkikunnan yhteydessä vuonna 1947.Retkikunnan tarkoitus oli osoittaa, että muinaiset kansat saattoivat tehdä pitkiä merimatkoja. Heyerdahl esitti, että Polynesia olisi asutettu Etelä-Amerikasta käsin. Thor Heyerdahl : [Taking with two sailors in a bar, showing them a drawn about a raft] A dozen logs or so, big balsa wood logs, and a hut for five crew. All very capable, … V,385 p., fig., portr., carte, fig. à l'intérieur de la couv. 20 cm. - Thor Heyerdahl (1914 - 2002) anthropologue, archéologue et navigateur norvégien, devenu internationalement célèbre en 1947 à la suite de l'expédition du Kon-Tiki, tentative de rallier les îles polynésiennes sur un radeau partant des côtes d'Amérique du Sud afin d'expliquer le peuplement de l'Océanie.

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This was his first expedition to be captured on film, and was later awarded Academy Award for best documentary in 1951. He later completed similar achievements with the reed boats Ra, Ra II and Tigris, through which he championed his deep involvement The Kon-Tiki expedition was a 1947 journey by raft across the Pacific Ocean from South America to the Polynesian islands, led by Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl. The raft was named Kon-Tiki after the Inca god Viracocha , for whom "Kon-Tiki" was said to be an old name. Kon-Tiki: Thor Heyerdahl på vansinnigt äventyr mot Polynesien Kon-Tiki År 1947 seglar norrmannen Thor Heyerdahl ut från Peru på en flotte av balsaträ.

Kon-Tiki -

12 mars 2556 BE — Den norsk-engelsk-danska filmen om Thor Heyerdahl och hans resa med Kon-​Tiki från Peru till Polynesien har snart premiär i Sverige och  Fint exemplar av Thor Heyerdahls "Expedition Kon-Tiki", tryckt 1950. Grönt linneband i fint skick. Albert Bonniers Boktryckeri, 1950.

Thor heyerdahl kon tiki

Ny Kon-Tiki-film till Toronto SVT Nyheter

Thor heyerdahl kon tiki

It was published in Norwegian in 1948 as The Kon-Tiki Expedition: By Raft Across the South  The Kon-Tiki Expedition by Thor Heyerdahl and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at Thor Heyerdahl (1914–2002) is one of history's most famous explorers. In 1947 he crossed the Pacific Ocean on the balsawood raft Kon-Tiki. This was his first  Mar 29, 2019 The Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo is repatriating thousands of native artifacts collected by the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl to Easter Island. August 7, 1947: Wood Raft Makes 4,300 Mile Voyage On this day in 1947, Kon- Tiki, a balsa wood raft captained by Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl,  The Kon-Tiki museum houses the Kon-Tiki balsa wood raft used by the adventurer On April 28th 1947, Thor Heyerdahl and his crew of five set out from Peru to  Aug 8, 2016 Thor Heyerdahl is internationally recognised for leading the Kon-Tiki expedition, where he sailed 8,000 km by raft from South America to the  Apr 25, 2013 The story of Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl and his epic trip across the Pacific Ocean has been told before, and often. But in Kon-Tiki,  May 10, 2010 "Once in a while you find yourself in an odd situation," wrote Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl in Kon-Tiki: Across The Pacific by Raft.

Thor heyerdahl kon tiki

Intrigued by Polynesian folklore, biologist Thor Heyerdahl suspected that the South Sea Islands had been settled by an ancient race from thousands of miles to the east, led by a mythical hero, Kon-Tiki. Se hela listan på Thor Heyerdahl est l’un des plus célèbres aventuriers de l’histoire. En 1947, il fit la traversée de l’Océan Pacifique sur le radeau Kon-Tiki en bois de balsa. Ce fut sa première expédition filmée et pour laquelle il reçut en 1951 l’Oscar du meilleur film documentaire (Academy Award for best documentary). Plus tard, il accomplit des exploits similaires avec les bateaux en Kon-Tiki var en tømmerflåde, der blev bygget og sejlet under ledelse af nordmanden Thor Heyerdahl som led i Kon-Tiki-ekspeditionen i 1947 for at bekræfte hans teorier om, at folkevandringen til Polynesien i Stillehavsområdet kunne være foregået over havet fra Sydamerika.
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Thor heyerdahl kon tiki

Thor Heyerdahl (Larvik, 6 ottobre 1914 – Colla Micheri, 18 aprile 2002) è stato un antropologo, The Theory Behind the Kon-Tiki Expedition (1952) Kon-Tiki ili Kon Tiki je splav kojom je norveški znanstvenik i istraživač Thor Heyerdahl 1947. s 5 sudrugova (Norvežanima Knutom Hauglandom, Erikom Hesselbergom, Torsteinom Raabyjem i Hermanom Watzingerom te Šveđaninom Bengtom Danielssonom) otplovio od mjesta Callao u Peruu na zapadnoj obali Južne Amerike do grebena Raroia (otočje ili arhipelag Tuamotu u Francuskoj Polineziji).

[ 2 ] Thor Heyerdahl (6. října 1914 Larvik, Norsko – 18.
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Kon-Tiki - Se film online på HBO Nordic

He died on April 18, 2002 in Colla Micheri, Liguria, Italy. Thor Heyerdahl (født 6.

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Kon-Tiki - Movies on Google Play

Thor Heyerdahl (ur.6 października 1914 w Larviku, zm. 18 kwietnia 2002 w Colla Micheri) – norweski etnograf i podróżnik, zajmował się także antropologią i archeologią, organizator i uczestnik dwóch wypraw transoceanicznych na tratwie „Kon-Tiki” w 1947 roku i papirusowej łodzi „Ra” w latach 1969–1970. This year The Kon-Tiki Museum celebrated the 50th a nniversary of the RA II expedition. The crew of RA II before departure in Safi, Morocco on the 17th of May 1970.