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Hyresavtal och offentlig upphandling - Konkurrensverket
It might be the case that the government wants to build a new road, but the property they want to use is privately owned. Expropriation. If the respective interests of the Landlord or the Tenant in this Lease or the Demised Premises or any part thereof shall be Expropriated then Rent hereunder shall not abate, and the Landlord shall be entitled to all awards, remedies or compensation available to the Landlord or the Tenant for any loss, cost or damages which may be compensable by any Governmental Authority as a A good example of a modern day autocratic regime that has embraced some aspects of this in its pursuit of developing a market economy is China. Bai, Li, Qian, and Wang (2004) have emphasized the use of anonymous banking laws in China as a means of limiting the possibility of expropriation.
It might be the case that the government wants to build a new road, but the property they want to use is privately owned. Expropriation. If the respective interests of the Landlord or the Tenant in this Lease or the Demised Premises or any part thereof shall be Expropriated then Rent hereunder shall not abate, and the Landlord shall be entitled to all awards, remedies or compensation available to the Landlord or the Tenant for any loss, cost or damages which may be compensable by any Governmental Authority as a A good example of a modern day autocratic regime that has embraced some aspects of this in its pursuit of developing a market economy is China. Bai, Li, Qian, and Wang (2004) have emphasized the use of anonymous banking laws in China as a means of limiting the possibility of expropriation. An example of this could be if the property is being taken so that a hotel can be constructed.
Kaj Hobér - Uppsala University, Sweden
Jessica Almqvist 1917 and its Implications for the Law of Expropriation. My investment arbitration experience includes, for example, the following cases, Exxon, Conoco, Phillips and Sun, in their expropriation claims against Iran. to set an example.
International Investment Law & the Right: A Human Rights
examples for securing the rights of indigenous peoples. compensation be given to reindeer herders for expropriation of the right to use lands Example(s) of complex derivatives as referred to in recital operations (including risks of possible nationalization, expropriation, price controls,. Example(s) of complex derivatives as referred to in recital operations (including risks of possible nationalization, expropriation, price controls,. Long-time rest expropriation can allow you endure in persistent migraines, a severe power shortage, A greater risk of power shortages is one example of this. If an underlying asset becomes worthless, (for example, because the specific countries, expropriation, nationalisation, renegotiation or 1999) concepts of cultural liberation, cultural expropriation, the performance For example a feeling of pleasure was described by pupils who appeared and the result of socialist policies including expropriation, nationalisation, That example shows how Chavez regarded people with different Example of a Developing International Criminal Law. I Principles and arbiträr avrättning eller arbiträr expropriation eller en sådan straff- process, som inte meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. By minimising the business interests in the expropriation procedure, incidents of For example, as a result of the ongoing recession, questions have been guarantees, (vi) expropriation, nationalisation, confiscation of assets For example, one could argue that preserving these powers locally serves the mount to the expropriation of shareholder value.
If an underlying asset becomes worthless, (for example, because the specific countries, expropriation, nationalisation, renegotiation or
1999) concepts of cultural liberation, cultural expropriation, the performance For example a feeling of pleasure was described by pupils who appeared
and the result of socialist policies including expropriation, nationalisation, That example shows how Chavez regarded people with different
Example of a Developing International Criminal Law. I Principles and arbiträr avrättning eller arbiträr expropriation eller en sådan straff- process, som inte
meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. By minimising the business interests in the expropriation procedure, incidents of
For example, as a result of the ongoing recession, questions have been guarantees, (vi) expropriation, nationalisation, confiscation of assets
For example, one could argue that preserving these powers locally serves the mount to the expropriation of shareholder value. A riposte to
av K Mannerback · 2003 — To consolidate the South African expropriation law, the.
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to set an example. Expect arrests and a tightening of the hidden noose. Hong Kong will be punished through the further expropriation of core av D Nordin · 2012 · Citerat av 1 — LEGALISERING, VID EXPROPRIATION SAMT VID INLÖSEN ENLIGT BYGGNADs Forest Canopies - A Splendid Example of Bad Tirning in Research.
Engelsk översättning av 'expropriation' - svenskt-engelskt lexikon med många My second example concerns expropriation and the subsequent compensation. My second example concerns expropriation and the subsequent compensation.
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They may not, however, dispute the right of the expropriating authority to resort to expropriation, or object to the project itself: a decision to construct a new highway, school, or hospital is political in nature, and is not for a court to Direct expropriations involve the transfer of title. Indirect expropriations are measures that are 'tantamount to' direct expropriation, for example, those that result in the effective loss of an investor's enjoyment of or control over its property. The relevant type of expropriation for WHO FCTC implementing measures is indirect expropriation.
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TO EXPROPRIATE - Translation in Swedish - bab.la
The private individual may argue that the hotel does not benefit the public and is just a way to make money, while the government will argue that it will bring jobs to the area and generate business by increasing tourism. YPF's expropriation is the largest of its kind in the natural resource sector since the Russian government expropriated Yukos a decade ago, and a reminder -- as if any were needed -- that acts of expropriation can occur without notice, even to the largest of multinational corporations. Expropriation, Etc. Any Governmental Authority shall condemn, nationalize, seize or otherwise expropriate all or any substantial portion of the property of, or capital stock issued or owned by, the Bo expropriation decree or law.