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Other classifications (for some countries) SBI (NL 2008) : Groothandel in vloeibare en gasvormige brandstoffen (46712) NACE Rev.2 (EU 2008) : Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products (4671) Please refine your search by(Localization + What, who? Edit search Login / Register My account The org chart of BP Europa SE contains its 26 main executives including Wolfgang Langhoff, Gary Jones and Joerg Mueller. BP in Deutschland Die BP Europa SE hat ihren Firmensitz in Hamburg. BP leistete in Deutschland in 2016 einen Bruttowertschöpfungsbeitrag von 2,5 Mrd. Euro zum deutschen BIP. Sie ist aber nicht nur in Deutschland tätig, sondern über Zweigniederlassungen auch in Belgien, den Niederlanden, Österreich, BP EUROPA SE | 96 followers on LinkedIn. BP EUROPA SE is a company based out of UBERSEEALLEE 1, Hambourg, Germany. BP EUROPA SE CASTROL is a supplier in , Germany. Its largest customer is BP Lubricants USA INC (nj) with most shipments via the port of New Orleans, LA. Its top carrier is Evergreen Line.
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Company profile page for BP Europa SE including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information Die BP Europa SE ist die Europäische Aktiengesellschaft der bp Gruppe. Sie wurde am 30. April 2010 durch die Verschmelzung der bp Landesgesellschaften in Belgien, den Niederlanden, Österreich und Polen mit der Deutsche BP AG gegründet. In 1999 Andreas Osbar (41) started his career at bp with a dual degree in Hamburg, which he completed with a Bachelor of Business Administration (FH Nordakademie). After several international roles as an analyst und project manager in Rotterdam and London, he moved to Hamburg for three years as a project leader for the Boston Consulting Group. BP Europa SE is located in Europoort Rotterdam, ZUID-HOLLAND, Netherlands and is part of the Petroleum & Petroleum Products Wholesalers Industry. BP Europa SE has 354 employees at this location and generates $31.19 billion in sales (USD).
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She succeeds Ralf Schanzmann, who BP Europa SE - BP Belgium - Lubricants Plant Gent AmChams in Europe. Member of the AmCham network. Membership · Members · Committees · Join now.
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BP Europa SE - BP Belgium Belgian company, has 8 subdivisions. Was founded on February 27, 1996 with identification number 0457173569 based on Duitsland (Bondsrep.), 20457, Hamburg, Überseeallee, 1. BP Europa SE, Hamburg, Zweigniederlassung BP (Switzerland) Zug is located in Zug, ZUG, Switzerland and is part of the Petroleum & Petroleum Products Wholesalers Industry. BP Europa SE, Hamburg, Zweigniederlassung BP (Switzerland) Zug has 65 employees at this location and generates $1.54 billion in sales (USD).
Indikativa hygieniska gränsvärden i direktiven 91/322/EEC, 2000/39/EC, 2006/15/EC, 2009/161/EU, Tidsvägt genomsnitt 10 ppm, 25 mg/m3 Indikativ EU.
I skrivande stund har British Petroleum ett börsvärde på 60,73 miljarder pund. Aktier & Fonder Energi & kraft Europa Industrier UK Världen. Tre gånger upp för BP kretsar kring nollstrecket, i linje med ledande Europabörser. NaN Obegränsad tillgång till allt på och i vår nyhetsapp.Läs mer.
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Derzeit arbeiten rund 80.000 Mitarbeiter in über 70 BP Europa SE« in 20457 Hamburg-HafenCity, Überseeallee 1 - Telefonnummer direkt gratis anrufen ☎, Adresse im Stadtplan zeigen und Route berechnen und Veel informatie over BP Europa SE - BP Nederland, gevestigd in Europoort en geregistreerd bij de KvK onder nummer 24489071. Motorové oleje BP Visco sú produkty ropnej spoločnosti British Petroleum, ktorá ponúka svojim zákazníkom špičkové produkty pre najbežnejšie aplikácie 9.
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Find their customers, contact information, and details on 3 shipments. BP Europa SE - BP Nederland Capelle aan den IJssel Tel: +31 (0)10 2491475 Ref: 19365 Disclaimer: This company profile is managed by the contact person of the company itself. Company profile page for BP Europa SE including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information BP EUROPA SE, , .
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