Madura English-Sinhala Dictionary contains over 230,000 definitions. Include glossaries of technical terms from medicine, science, law, engineering, accounts, arts and many other sources. This facilitates use as thesaurus. PLA. People's Liberation Army. The name of the armed forces of the People's Republic of China . The PLA is composed of three branches: *PLA (People's Liberation Army) The Army is the very basis of the military, composed of "grunts" trained to become infantry for usual land warfare. A fraternity of playas Bunch of guys who play girls.

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Definition of placate. transitive verb. : to soothe or mollify especially by concessions : appease. Other Words from placate Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym Soothe Yourself With the History of Placate Example Sentences Learn More about placate.

Pla urban dictionary

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Quit playing around and work on your book report already, Scotty! You two need to stop playing around and focus on finishing the job! 3. To tinker PLA. People's Liberation Army.

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FAUS. Federal Aid to Urban Systems.