30+profilresultat för ”Liutkienė” LinkedIn


30+profilresultat för ”Liutkienė” LinkedIn

35, 01109, Vilnius. Atsiliepimai, Skundai. Įsteigta: 1699-11-30 NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe. The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions. In 2019 our company was awarded as the NORIAN, the Norwegian leader in Accounting, Payroll and Intelligent Automation services, has announced further expansion inits Vilnius Competence centre. The company has been operating in Lithuania since 2005 and employs almost 300 specialists..

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See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover eBuhalteris’ connections and jobs at similar companies. Vartotojų atsiliepimai ir skundai apie Norian Accounting. Komentarai, pagyrimai, padėkos, nuomonės. Norian Accounting, UAB (Norian Accounting) 300517495. Lietuvos įmonių katalogas.

30+profilresultat för ”Liutkienė” LinkedIn

System specialists and advanced automation tools will simplify your everyday life. We conduct both internal and external certification programs and NORIAN Academy organizes many courses on different subjects to deliver you excellent advice. UAB „Norian Accounting“ NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe. The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future oriented IT solutions.

Norian accounting atsiliepimai

30+profilresultat för ”Liutkienė” LinkedIn

Norian accounting atsiliepimai

Career; Locations; People; About NORIAN, the Norwegian leader in Accounting, Payroll and Intelligent Automation services, has announced further expansion inits Vilnius Competence centre.

Norian accounting atsiliepimai

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Norian accounting atsiliepimai

See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover eBuhalteris’ connections and jobs at similar companies. Vartotojų atsiliepimai ir skundai apie Norian Accounting. Komentarai, pagyrimai, padėkos, nuomonės.

Vilnius Konstitucijos pr. 21c, Quadrum North, LT-08130 Vilnius, Lietuva +370 52 33 9007 Norian Accounting, UAB (Norian Accounting) 300517495. Lietuvos įmonių katalogas. Imones kodas, PVM, adresas, telefonas, darbuotojai, skolos, žemėlapis.
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30+profilresultat för ”Liutkienė” LinkedIn

Norian Accounting, UAB (Norian Accounting) 300517495. Lietuvos įmonių katalogas.

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30+profilresultat för ”Liutkienė” LinkedIn

Det gör att vi kan erbjuda oslagbar kvalitét, pris och kompetens som säkerställer er konkurrensfördel på marknaden. Lietuvos karjeros bendruomenė. NORIAN atsiliepimai , darbo pasiūlymai , atlyginimas karjeros reitingas NORIAN teikia apskaitos, darbo užmokesčio skaičiavimo bei automatizavimo paslaugas ir visuomet siekia jas teikti išmaniausiai, greičiausiai ir geriausiai.