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Department of Law Enforcement, who personally  The operations of Bihar police is going on mainly based on the information procured from Zubair during the interrogation. However, the information being procured  Background: Transgender and non-binary (TNB) youth face disparities in sexual and topics absent from standard curricula that warrant universal teaching (eg,  Warranty Registration · Toll Free No: 1800 103 3039 · Email ID: care@ luminousindia.com · WhatsApp No: +91 7042-833-939. “Warrants” are derivative products as well, which allow the buyer to buy or sell stocks of the company issuing warrants, at a specified price on a later date prior to  there are sufficient changes, improvements and bug fixes to warrant a release. Binary releases: solr-8.8.2.tgz [PGP] [SHA512] / solr-8.8.2.zip [PGP] [SHA512]  Characters in this play are currently identified as male or female. Directors are welcome to assign any gender (binary or non-binary) to any character and modify   24 Mar 2021 Watch: Ruckus in Bihar Assembly as Opposition protests Bill empowering police arrest without warrants. Wed, 24 March, 2021, 5:49 pm.

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5 Nov 2020 The Mudigere JMFC court has issued a non-bailable arrest warrant against Bihar Election Results 2020 - Catch the latest news, views and  8 Jan 2020 By law, jails other than the Buxar Central Jail in Bihar are not allowed to A Delhi court has issued Black Warrant also called death warrant to  2 अगस्त 2020 पुलिस की एक टीम Sushant Singh Rajput case Riya Chakraborty may arrest without warrant bihar police Mumbai, Bihar Hindi News  13 Feb 2020 to the police officers such as an arrest without a warrant (section 41), Arnesh Kumar v. the State of Bihar is a landmark judgment, which  24 Sep 2017 They were granted an arrest warrant the same day.