Detectify AB Stockholm Yasmin Tilles - AllBiz


Detectify AB har fått minst en betalningsanmärkning

We value diversity of minds, different backgrounds, and perspectives. At Detectify, the Account Executive is responsible for the whole sales cycle and works both with inbound and outbound strategies. In addition to the common sales responsibilities, you will get to: Manage your own pipeline and leads; Drive revenue by successfully managing all phases of the sales process to completion Hos oss på kan du söka bland 0 lediga jobb på Detectify AB idag. Detectify AB söker en ny kollega med rollen Technical Copywriter I Stockholm, heltid anställning Visa meny Populära sektioner Lönestatistik Lediga jobb Beräkna nettolön Beräkna bruttolön Valutakurser Opinion Försäkring / Fack Välj rätt fackförbund Lån Kreditkort Sparande Rabattkoder Övrigt Leasingbil Opinion Språk Svenska Engelska Detectify AB provides software security solutions. The Company offers application which works as an online security scanner to identify security issues on website.

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What we do at Detectify. The fear of cyber threats should never stand in the way of digital greatness. That is why we are changing the fundamentals of how cyber security works. Detectify AB. Stockholm. Arbetsbeskrivning. What we do at Detectify The fear of cyber threats should never stand in the way of digital greatness. That is why we are changing the fundamentals of how cyber security works.

Svenska hacker-startupen Detectify tar in 223 miljoner

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Detectify ab

Detectify AB har 54 anställda och gjorde ett resultat på -53 134 KSEK med omsättning 35 692 KSEK under 2019. Läs mer om Detectify 2018-04-10 Detectify AB är verksam inom dataprogrammering och hade totalt 54 anställda 2019. Antalet anställda har ökat med 36 personer sedan 2017 då det jobbade 18 personer på företaget. Bolaget är ett aktiebolag som varit aktivt sedan 2014. Detectify AB omsatte 35 692 000 kr senaste räkenskapsåret (2019). Detectify AB,556985-9084 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, styrelse, Status, varumärken Kontaktuppgifter till Detectify AB STOCKHOLM, adress, telefonnummer, se information om företaget. Detectify AB är koncernmoderbolag i en koncern bestående av 2 bolag.

Detectify ab

Subscribe to newsletter Sign up for a … Detectify AB · Stockholm · Ansök senast 14 feb. Jobbet har utgått och går inte längre att ansöka. Spara. What we do at Detectify. Detectify offers a web application security scanner that automates hacker attacks to help businesses stay safe. Our founders are among the best ethical hackers in the world The Processor is the data processor. These terms are between You, the user/customer (below, the “Controller”) and Detectify AB,
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Lediga jobb för Detectify i 113 90 Stockholm

The Company offers application which works as an online security scanner to identify security issues on website. Detectify serves customers Life at detectify. We’re on a journey to make the Internet more secure by automating ethical hacker knowledge.

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Ansök. 23 februari 2021. Technical Copywriter. At Detectify, your opinion and ideas matter.You belong to a dedicated, driven and forever curious team that recognise the power of knowledge sharing and challenging the status quo. We value diversity of minds, different backgrounds, and perspectives. At Detectify, the Account Executive is responsible for the whole sales cycle and works both with inbound and outbound strategies. In addition to the common sales responsibilities, you will get to: Manage your own pipeline and leads; Drive revenue by successfully managing all phases of the sales process to completion Hos oss på kan du söka bland 0 lediga jobb på Detectify AB idag.