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szept. 24. Az új Forester megmutatja, hogy lehet máshogy boxerrel spórolni. 39A Forester és az XV kapja meg először az e-Boxer hajtást, később az  5 Jul 2020 Hybrids are all the rage these days, nearly every car maker is producing a fuel efficient vehicle using a combination of petrol and electric power. 26 Nov 2019 Subaru has announced a hybrid version of its Forester SUV called the E-Boxer, which combines a 2-litre petrol engine and electric power. Subaru Forester e-BOXER hybrid is tough, fun and extraordinary value for £36k.

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Läs mer. Forester e-Boxer är utvecklad med ägaren i fokus. Lastkapacitet, funktioner och dragförmåga har högsta prioritet – egenskaper som historiskt gjort Forester till  Version, Pris fr. Växellåda. Base, 374 900 kr, Lineartronic. Active, 399 900 kr, Lineartronic. Ridge, 429 900 kr, Lineartronic.

Forester E-Boxer 2020- - Vool

Pass any font to font_family to control the output font. Tested options include "mono", "sans", and "serif". 2021-03-25 Nya Forester 2020.

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Subaru Forester 2.0 4WD E-Boxer RIDGE DEMO - - Bytbil.com

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Låg design med färdiga fästen för extraljus inuti frontbågen. Passar årsmodell 2020 och framåt. Subaru Forester e-Boxer Active 2.0i AWD - KAMPANJBIL-.

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Yep, like so many of its rivals, the Forester has gone hybrid.
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I've always had a soft spot for the trusty Forester - but is the new e-Boxer hybrid powertrain enough to please the masses? A new way to go on adventures. Take the kids to school or charge through mud all in the same drive with the Forester e-BOXER. The extraordinary SUV that  Welche Features der Subaru Forester e-BOXER noch bietet, zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Video.

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2018 Subaru Forester V 2.0 e-Boxer 150 hk AWD

Första generationen av denna bil kom även i sportversion men bara för den amerikanska marknaden. Den kom med 5 växlar eller som automat. E. M. Forster.