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KALLELSE Kommunstyrelsen Sammanträdesdatum: 2021-01

EUROPEAN UNION AGENCY FOR RAILWAYS CCS TSI Application Guide Guide ERA/GUI/07-2011/INT V 4.0 120 Rue Marc Lefrancq | BP 20392 | FR-59307 Valenciennes Cedex 3 / 45 The TSI shall apply to all new, upgraded or renewed ‘trackside control-command and signalling’ and ‘on-board control-command and signalling’ subsystems of the rail system as defined in points 2.3 and 2.4 of Annex II to Directive 2008/57/EC. 2018-02-19 European conventional rail system as defined in Annex I to Directive 2001/16/EC. Article 2 1. With regard to the systems referred to in Annex B of the TSI and to those issues classified as ‘Open points’ in Annex G of the TSI, the conditions to be complied with for the verification of … Annex A – Example: NSA TSI CCS chapter 6 explains how partial fulfilment of the TSI requirements and added functionality for IC and SS have to be handled. Chapter 6.4.3 put an obligation on NB Rail ad hoc WG and the Agency to agree on the way conditions and For Class A systems, section 4.2.1 of the CCS CR TSI says that the reliability and availability requirements of Annex A, Index 28 shall be respected .

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Annex A describes the technical specifications on interoperability for high-speed (HS) and &nbs We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience · CCS TSI Annex A – Mandatory specifications. 4 Jun 2019 Update 2017: It is now called “Common Components System (CCS)” ERA Technical Documents for TAF TSI _ ANNEX D.2 : APPENDIX C _  21 Aug 2013 equivalent, much of the information in the TSI application guide is also relevant to application of WAG TSI, but in an Annex to the CCS TSI. consolidation on TSI annex A documents specifications and documents listed in the Annex A of the officially published TSI CCS, excluding those not related to   19 Dec 2019 CCS TSI [9]). The new requirements have become a great challenge for producers of materials and equipment, rolling stock manufacturers as  (CCS TSI), which is published through the European Decision [16] and its amendments. Annex 3 includes information collected via a questionnaire to CEPT  29 Mar 2017 Rail TSI on CCS (2006/679/EC) with Annex A modified as per 2010/79/EC.

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1.2. GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE The geographical scope of this TSI is the trans-European rail system, i.e., the trans- Ny TSI CCS. Kommisjonsforordning 2016/919 om tekniske spesifikasjoner for infrastruktur - styring, kontroll og signal (TSI CCS) Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/919 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘control-command and signalling’ subsystems of the rail system in the European Union Translations in context of "CR CCS TSI" in English-Dutch from Reverso Context: The metal-mass of vehicles is an open point in the CR CCS TSI. CCS TSI One single TSI for both high-speed and conventional lines The Agency has delivered its official recommendation to the Commission in January. The two remaining difficult points: – the removal of the list of class B systems – the reference to the harmonised CENELEC standards.

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692 72  Etelhems Annex 476. 623 74, STÅNGA CCS Servicekonsult HB. 032031840. Habyvägen 14.

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to the TSI relating to the control-command and signalling subsystems of the trans- .
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Appendix P Other compatibility issues – TSI CCS Several open points in the TSI CCS Annex A1 require investigation and closure: 9Sanding and contamination of the rails by composite brake blocks • Subject for UIC? 9Lack of compatibility of certain axle counter types with vehicle mounted magnetic brakes are a source of restrictive mechanical arrangements Annex 1 – ETCS deployment dates 24.

In order to facilitate migration towards FRMCS the CCS TSI should be updated with a specification of the ERTMS/FRMCS On-board (reference architecture including interfaces) Table 15 - Control command and signalling – CCS TSI regulatory base .
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Annex A: Economic impact analysis of spectrum and B.2 GSM-R as the radio communication system in CCS TSI . the list of informative specifications for the CCS subsystem, is regularly updated.

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srs -Svensk översättning - Linguee

GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE The geographical scope of this TSI is … TSI Conformity Assessment Modules. Commission Decision 2010/713/EU sets out the modules for procedures for assessing conformity and suitability for use of the interoperability constituents and ‘EC’ verification of subsystems. See also: Decision No 768/2008/EC on a common framework for the marketing of products Guideline for CCS Authorisation on Rail Freight Corridor 1 Guideline for CCS Authorisation Version 1.0 9 / 67 1.2. Terms and abbreviations Abbreviation Term Reference APS Authorisation for Placing in Service Directive 2008/57/EC Art. 15 and ch. V, Recommendation 2011/217/EU ch. 5.1 CCS (TSI) Control-Command and Signalling GUI/CCS TSI/2019 / Guide for the application of the S TSI In accordance with Article 19(3) of Regulation (EU) Annex 3 added Reference to the published CCS TSI – clarifications on chapter 6; update of informative specifications 5.0 – 19/02/2018 Table 3; Table 5.1, The technical specification for interoperability (TSI) relating to the control-command and signalling (CCS) subsystems of the rail system in the European Union, as set out in the Annex, is hereby adopted. Article 2 Scope 1.