Alexandra Kollontai was a major figure in the Russian socialist movement from the turn of the century through the revolution and civil war. During periods of exile she was also active as a speaker and writer in Germany, Belgium, France, Britain, Scandinavia and the United States. 2021-04-01 Looking for books by Alexandra Kollontai? See all books authored by Alexandra Kollontai, including Love of Worker Bees/A Great Love, and Red Love, and more on ―New York Times Book Review. Alexandra Kollontai―the only woman member of the Bolshevik central committee and the USSR’s first Minister of Social Welfare―is known today as a historic contributor to the international women’s movement, and as one of the first Bolshevik leaders to oppose the growth of the bureaucracy in the young Books Advanced Search New Releases Best Sellers & More Children's Books Textbooks Textbook Rentals Best Books of the Month A Reader on Alexandra Kollontai (Sternberg Press) by Alexandra Kollontai, Michele Masucci, et al.
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Aleksandra Kollontajs dagböcker 1930–1940. Stockholm: Bonnier. Libris 10582108. ISBN 978-91-0-011493-0 Kollontai was the subject of the 1994 TV film, A Wave of Passion: The Life of Alexandra Kollontai, with Glenda Jackson as the voice of Kollontai. A female Soviet diplomat in the 1930s with unconventional views on sexuality, probably inspired by Kollontai, had been played by Greta Garbo in the movie Ninotchka (1939). 2021-01-16 · Alexandra Kollontai was a leading Russian revolutionary, who tirelessly fought for socialism and women’s liberation during the only successful working class revolution in history..
Sep 27, 2020 Author of A great love, The workers' opposition, Autobiographie einer sexuell emanzipierten Kommunistin, Love of Worker Bees, Selected Revisiting the ideas of a Russian revolutionary and feminist on such topics as sexual politics, free love, and motherhood.Alexandra Kollontai was a prominent Penguin Books. Penguin Teen. Penguin Crime & Thrillers. Penguin Kids.
1984-07-01 In this extract from her new book, A Rebel’s Guide to Alexandra Kollontai, Emma Davis sets out the Russian revolutionary’s views on sexuality and relationships under capitalism and beyond. Alexandra Kollontai described how women’s oppression resulted in unequal and often fraught relations between men and women. Get this from a library! Alexandra Kollontaï.
| Jan 1, 1971. 5
Alexandra Kollontai was a key leader of the Russian Socialist movement, the only woman in the early Soviet government, and one of the most famous women in Russian history. She worked tirelessly all her life as a speaker, writer, and organizer for women's emancipation. 2021-04-02 · BOOKS Alexandra Kollontai: Writings from the Struggle Outstanding new book on the revolutionary communist who helped forge inextricable link between socialism and women's liberation
Alexandra Kollontai―the only woman member of the Bolshevik central committee and the USSR’s first Minister of Social Welfare―is known today as a historic contributor to the international women’s movement, and as one of the first Bolshevik leaders to oppose the growth of the bureaucracy in the young socialist state. Revolutionens ambassadör: Alexandra Kollontays liv och gärning (åren 1872–1917). Stockholm: Arbetarkultur. Libris 1399196 Kollontaj, Aleksandra Michajlovna; Olsson Lars (2008).
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4. 1984-07-01 In this extract from her new book, A Rebel’s Guide to Alexandra Kollontai, Emma Davis sets out the Russian revolutionary’s views on sexuality and relationships under capitalism and beyond.
On the advice of my professor and armed with introductions from him, I set off for England in 1899 to study the English labour movement, which was supposed to convince me of the truth was on …
By Cathy Porter Alexandra Kollontai was a major figure in the Russian revolutionary movement, and one of its most powerful and popular writers, a charismatic leader of women, and the only woman commissar in the first Bolshevik government after the October 1917 Revolution. She wrote prolifically in …
Alexandra Kollontai forced politicial and civil change upon Russia, for both women and the working class, making her a significantly influential individual during that time. Alexandra Kollontai was a feminist and a socialist woman who passionately defended a vision of emancipation premised on equality, comradeship and personal autonomy liberating women from the constraints set upon them. Alexandra Kollontai: | | ||| | Alexandra Kollontai | | | | World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the
Alexandra Kollontai: An Extraordinary Person Mavis By any standards, Alexandra Kollontai was an extraordinary person.
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Alexandra Kollontai was a Russian revolutionary who was appointed Commissar of Social Welfare after the October Revolution and later one of the world's first woman ambassadors. Kollontai helped to write many of the Soviet laws legalizing abortion, divorce, birth control, and homosexuality - unheard of in 1917 Prostitution was decriminalized. Book Description WW Norton & Co, United States, 1980.