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Website. (480) 967-2329. 3011 E Broadway Rd. LDS Distribution Center LDSBookstore.com is your source for products officially sold by the Church. This includes scriptures, adjustable ctr rings, manuals, study materials and resources, artwork, and more. At LDS Bookstore, we strive to stock all of your gospel essentials from the LDS Church Distribution Store. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic our retail stores’ operating hours are frequently changing to better align with local conditions and regulations.
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This includes scriptures, adjustable ctr rings, manuals, study materials and resources, artwork, and more. At LDS Bookstore, we strive to stock all of your gospel essentials from the LDS Church Distribution Store. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic our retail stores’ operating hours are frequently changing to better align with local conditions and regulations. LDS Distribution Center LDS Distribution Center Books Shop our large selection of Bibles, Books of Mormon, and Triple Combinations.
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A role in a Distribution Center means being on the very front lines of getting product to the guest as fast as possible—a critical differentiator and one of the most essential functions within Logistics. Whether it’s through focusing on regional or upstream distribution centers or import warehouses, you’ll have a chance to positively impact thousands of fellow team members and Target guests worldwide.